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发布时间:2012/5/31 9:44:00 访问次数:5173


          2012530下午,新西兰布洛克豪斯海湾中学校长Colin Andrews先生到访我校,深入了解我校的各项工作。

Colin Andrews 先生首先与周子军校长、金培京书记进行了深入的交谈,他们在办学理念、学生综合素质提高和教师专业化发展等方面交换了意见,在很多领域达成了共识,双方未来会有更多的合作,例如,中新两国学生可以结成一对一小伙伴,共同完成某个项目,如环境调查等。开展这样的活动目的是提高学生的合作意识,增强学生的语言运用能力,同时促进中新两国友谊。

与周校长会谈后,Colin Andrews先生参观了校园。报告厅、体育馆、闭路控制室、学生餐厅都给这位远道而来的客人留下了深刻的印象,尤其是我校的机器人活动室,让Colin Andrews先生赞叹不已,也激起了他浓厚的兴趣,他向强薇老师咨询了很多问题,最后还盛情邀请老师赴新西兰为他们的学生指导机器人制作。

下午3:30Colin Andrews校长准时参加了我校初二年级的合唱比赛。他被学生们在歌曲中所传达出来的思想和情感深深地震撼,每首歌曲后都为学生热烈鼓掌。最后,Andrews校长为学生们致辞,向我校表达了感谢,向学生们送去了祝贺。





Principal from Blockhouse Bay Intermediate Paid Visit to Our School

On the afternoon of May 30th, 2012, Colin Andrews, principal from Blockhouse Bay Intermediate, New Zealand, paid a visit to our school.

Mr. Andrews held a talk with Principal Zhou on school-running concept, improvement of students’ comprehensive quality as well as teachers’ professional development. They reached consensus on a lot of issues. More cooperation will be conducted between the two sides in the future. Students from China and New Zealand will be likely to work together to carry out one project on the possible topic like environmental investigation, with the aim to raise students’ awareness of teamwork and provide them with more opportunities to get exposed to others’ languages.

After the talk, Mr. Andrews was shown around the campus. Modern facilities in our school left him a very deep impression, especially the robot program organized by Ms Qiang Wei.  Mr. Andrews showed great interest in robot making and program design.

At 15:30, Mr. Andrews attended the chorus competition of Junior Two. He was greatly impressed by the thoughts and sentiments expressed in the songs. At the end of the performance, Mr. Andrews delivered a short speech to express his gratitude and congratulations to our school and students.

Principal Zhou visited Blockhouse Bay Intermediate in April this year. The cooperation between our two schools will continue in the following years.

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